Primary Art Exhibition

Today, we welcomed our Stage 2 and 3 families to our Primary Art Exhibition. We are in awe of the students’ creativity and dedication in transforming their classrooms into incredible gallery spaces. Here’s just a small snapshot of some of the beautiful and diverse artwork on display!

Throughout Term 1, the children engaged in many art lessons related to different styles, mediums and subject matters. They then chose their favourite artwork or style and used this as inspiration for their final artwork. The children created a title for their artwork and produced an ‘artist’s statement’ to explain how they produced their work. The children were very excited to have the parents in to view their artworks. It was a marvellous event and the children could see that their parents were equally as thrilled to be there. After the exhibition, the children walked through each classroom to view the exhibitions of the other Primary classes. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm and huge diversity of artworks created by the children. This important event presented the children with a meaningful opportunity to engage with the process of creating and sharing art with their community.

Thank you to our students for their amazing efforts, our teachers for guiding this work, and our guests for engaging in our exhibition tours and activities.