Year 6 Trip to Canberra – Day 2

We started our day bright and early with our first stop at Old Parliament House. We viewed the exhibition ‘Behind the Lines’ which consists of political cartoons, that provided some creativity and humour in their interpretation of events from 2022. We then headed over to the National Museum for the Story of Country and learned many facts about the earth and Australian history.
Afterwards, we visited the National Archives and took an actual dictation test given to Australian immigrants and we got to see the Australian Constitution in person! After lunch we headed over to parliament for a tour, some frozen yoghurt and a mock passing of a bill to ban animals in the circus. The students had a blast in their roles.
Finally, we headed out to Mulligan Flats and managed to see all three reintroduced animals on a twilight walk: the Eastern Bettong, the quoll and the curlew, among many other nocturnal creatures!
We came back to finish the evening with dinner, dessert, the footy game and board games. We’re having a blast, but we’re all looking forward to coming home tomorrow!